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156. Breaking Down How You Can Raise Capital From Your Network to Buy Your Next Deal w/ David Dubeau

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In this episode, Dave breaks down how you can start raising capital from your network to fund your real estate deals and grow your portfolio.

This episode is sponsored by Landlord Studio and Tax Smart Investors.

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Thomas Castelli 0:00
You're now listening to the real estate CPA podcast. 

Brandon Hall 0:05
Your source for all things real estate, accounting and tax. Here we reveal our secrets that can save you 1000s in taxes, streamline your accounting process and help grow your business. Stay tuned to hear insightful interviews with industry experts, successful real estate investors and current clients on what strategies they use to grow their business and how they steer clear of Uncle Sam.

Thomas Castelli 0:32
Hi, everyone, thanks for tuning in. Thomas Castelli joined here today with Dave de Bo. Dave is a professional real estate investor, author, speaker and capital raising expert and his company helps real estate entrepreneurs across North America quickly launched their capital raising processes with their proprietary money partner formula. In this episode, Dave breaks down how you can start raising capital from your network to fund your real estate deals and grow your portfolio. Another important aspect of growing your portfolio is making sure you have the right accounting system in place. And while there are plenty of general business accounting software options out there, they're not designed for landlords managing rental properties and feel clunky and overly complex. Landlord studio on the other hand, is designed specifically for Do It Yourself landlords, they offer a full suite of tools designed to help landlords save time with their income and expense tracking, as well as property management tasks like rent collection, rental listings, lease management and tenant screening. One thing I found particularly impressive was its ability to connect bank accounts to view and reconcile transactions from inside the software. And by using landlord studios mobile app you can digitize your receipts and the software automatically lifts and imports the receipts details. Landlord studio is also a great way to stay tax compliant, particularly as they offer a number of different financial reports including Schedule II, where rental properties reported on your form 1040. You can learn more about landlord studio by heading to WW dot landlords to Again, that's landlords to We'll drop that link in the show notes below. But for now we'll jump right into today's episode. Dave, thanks so much for taking time Come on the show today. Would you be able to give our listeners a little information on your background? How you got involved in real estate?

David Dubeau 2:10
Oh, thanks a lot, Thomas. Sure. Yeah, I've been around real estate for a long time. In fact, I kind of grew up in a real estate household. The family home was actually one part of a six Plex that my grandfather My father built. And then my mom got into real estate investing way back in the 70s in the 80s. And you know, as a she and my father divorced and as a single mom raising a snot nosed kid Yours truly, she built up a portfolio of over 50 doors way back when. So I didn't pay much attention to it back then. But it was kind of around it. And then I got into real estate investing in about 2003. Yeah, that's right, because I've been living overseas for a while and lived down in San Jose, Costa Rica for 10 years, got married, had kids decided that once I kids got to be school age to Move everybody back to Canada and had to start all over again from scratch. That was in 2003. And I remember saying, well, those late night infomercials, you too can get rich in real estate with little or no money down. I said that's perfectly. That's what I got little or no money. So I sat away from the course and did a bunch of deals. 18 deals in 18 months was kind of my first little kick at the can which sounds impressive Thomas and a few of those deals were impressive. A lot of them were just Junkers or just, you know, make a couple of 1000 bucks here or there. But it was very, very good experience and kept the lights on. After that. I got involved with an up and coming real estate guru up here in Canada, kind of the Canadian version of Robert Kiyosaki. In fact, we did a lot of dealings with Robert Kiyosaki had him come speak at our events and all that kind of stuff, and helped that guy grow his company. And then I took some time off from real estate investing got back into it about 2010. And that's when I, you know, discovered the whole raising capital thing,

Thomas Castelli 3:59
raising capital. I know we'll get into that in just a few minutes. Kind of why today. What's your investment strategy today? What's it look like as of this point in time?

David Dubeau 4:08
Yeah, well, I realized a while ago, Thomas, I kind of suck as an active investor. Dealing with tenants and toilets, and all that kind of stuff isn't really within my, my level of patience. So these days, I'm more of a passive investor focusing primarily on multifamily properties. I help other investors raise capital for their deals, that sort of thing. So a version of syndication sometimes. That's what I focus on primarily these days.

Thomas Castelli 4:35
Nice. So kind of before we jump right into that do have one question we pretty much ask a lot of our guests who come on the show these days and that's you know, the real estate market here in the US is kind of going crazy over the last I'd say 18 months or so due to COVID lack of supply low interest rates, and just kind of wanted to see if you had a Thoughts On You know, where do you see the market going over the next you know, handful of months or into 2022?

David Dubeau 4:57
You know what Thomas? I'm chuckling because when COVID first hit, everybody is in a panic, you know, up here, I don't know if in the States as well, I would imagine so. But in Canada, everybody was in a panic. I put together a group of 18 real estate experts, and we did the COVID crisis plan we did, I did a big webinar. And we had, we had over 4000 people registered for that webinar, 2000 people on live. And that was one of the questions asked me, Where do you see the real estate market going with this whole pandemic? And 17 Out of the 18 people, myself included, predicted that it was going to go down the tubes, right? You know, the the economy shutting down, people are going to be unemployed, money is going to be tight. Who the heck is going to be buying properties? Well, guess what? We were completely wrong. So what I've learned to do, Thomas is not to predict things when it comes to the real estate market. Because quite frankly, you know, logic would have said it shouldn't be doing what it's doing right now. So I don't know, are we in a bubble? Is it going to burst? I'm not sure. But bottom line is, it really depends on what kind of strategy you're following. What your exit plan is, if you're in short term, or long term, if you're in it for the long term, it really doesn't matter that much. Because it'll all come out in the wash, or the exit 10 to 15 years anyhow,

Thomas Castelli 6:25
couldn't agree more, if you're in it for the long term, you just gotta you know, ultimately, if your cash flow through it, you'll be able to survive. And eventually properties will, over time appreciating value, and you'll be fine in the long run. So that's a good nugget of wisdom for people out there who are listening, wondering where the market is, including myself. So kind of shifting gears a little bit into the capital raising side. So I know you help a lot of real estate investors raise capital. So what type of investors do you work with? I guess the first question,

David Dubeau 6:52
yeah, we work with what I call Mom and Pop real estate investors, who are just getting started with raising capital. So we're not talking about somebody who's doing massive syndications and looking to raise $57 million, the day after tomorrow, we're talking about, you know, that guy or that gal, or that couple that has a few properties in their portfolio, they've self financed them so far, they've run out of cash, they've run out of credit, they hit the wall, and it's like, now what, how do I go about growing my portfolio using other people's money? So we help them find private money partners and grow their portfolio that way? So that's what we work with?

Thomas Castelli 7:30
Well, you know, we had a lot of syndicators on the podcast in the past to come on and talk about raising you know, money for these big deals and seems like you more or less help people who are kind of like buying, you know, single family or maybe small multifamily properties. And now they're like, Okay, well, I tapped out of all my capital, but how do I buy my next property? If I if I don't have any capital left? So could you elaborate a little bit more on how that kind of works? Or, you know, how, how you help investors take that next step?

David Dubeau 7:56
Yeah, no, it's it's pretty simple. We have created this, what I call my money partner formula, it's five simple steps to get rolling with raising capital. And this can work actually, very, very quickly, Thomas, we've had some clients start raising capital, within a few weeks of starting the process. Usually, though, it's going to take somewhere in the range of, you know, 45, to 90 days to really get everything up and rolling, and start seeing those investor meetings come along,

Thomas Castelli 8:26
we're going to take a quick break to talk about tax smart investors. But we'll be right back. One of the biggest problems we have in the CPA industry is CPAs are too busy preparing tax returns to ever really provide any planning on how their clients can minimize their taxes, which is often costing their clients a lot of money. And

Brandon Hall 8:41
so I'm and I've worked with over 1000 real estate investors on tax planning over the past six years, we've saved them millions of dollars in taxes. And the reality is, is that tax planning, especially one on one is really expensive. It's not in the budget for all real estate investors. But real estate investors are near and dear to automatize heart, we're real estate investors, our parents are real estate investors, we want to help every single real estate investor out there. So we created tax smart There's three subscription tiers, you can get a content subscription tier that gives you access to gated content, and we write it in a way that you can digest it. But there's also citations that you can go to your own tax preparer and say, Wait a second, this is how it's actually supposed to be. And here's the citation. On that content subscription, you also get access to a weekly tax strategy newsletter. On top of that, we also have a subscription that gives you access to our insiders Facebook group, which just allows closer access to Tom and I and our team of CPAs. You can schedule paid calls with us, and you can get access to our monthly workshops through that subscription tier and those monthly workshops. We're doing tax planning, financial planning, we're going over accounting strategies and how to automate your system and then we have a top tier

Thomas Castelli 9:49
and that top tier. That's really where you get access to us and our team of experienced real estate tax planners and you could do that through two calls. We'll take a look at your situation and determine what strategy You can use and minimize your taxes based on where you are, where you're looking to go. And in addition to that, what a lot of our clients have loved over the years is the ability to send emails where you could send in your question, I will get back to you with an answer within 48 hours. And you should definitely check that out. If you're sending questions to your CPA and they're taking weeks to get back to you, if they ever get back to you. Or they're not providing with any planning, we can take a look at your situation and determine what can be done to help you save on taxes.

HALL_002_CTA - Lead magnet

David Dubeau 10:26
The first step in the five step process is creating a target group of prospective investors. And we're we're working with private clients, we want to get them about 150 to 200 people in that group that we're really going to focus on now they're not all going to become investors, we don't need 150 or 200 investors. But we want to have a target group of people that we can laser focus in on. And that target group is people that are already in what we call your sphere of influence. These are people that you already have a pre existing relationship with, right? You know them, they know you, friends, family, members, co workers, business associates, customers, clients, people from your church groups, your civic organization, sporting groups, you know them, and they know you, that is the most logical place for us to start when it comes to raising capital for two reasons, Thomas, reason number one is logic, right? I see a lot of people out there thinking, You know what, I'll raise capital from anybody in anybody, everybody in anybody with a pulse on a checkbook, right? So they start posting their deals on social media, and they start, you know, schmoozing, networking, talking with everybody, turning every conversation in a realistic conversation. And that's a challenge for two reasons. Number one, if we think about it, in order for somebody to invest 50, or $100,000, with you, just as our they're going to need to know you, like you and trust you with their money. Would you agree? Absolutely. Absolutely. So we're charging now going after complete strangers, a stranger doesn't know you, they don't like you. And they certainly do not trust you with their money. So it's, that's a very difficult thing to do, especially when you're just getting started with raising capital right. Now, the second big challenge is this pesky little thing that you guys have called the Securities and Exchange Commission, yes, which we have our own version up here in Canada, so we don't have it any easier than you do. And basically, these regulators say, it's illegal for us as Mom and Pop real estate investors to raise capital from the general public, unless we're either licensed to do so. So a stock broker or mortgage broker or financial planner, these kinds of people have licenses. And they typically work for big organizations, they can raise money, right? But you and I, we don't, we can get exemptions, we can set up certain corporate structures, like I know you help your clients do, we can get an offering memorandum, we can do these kinds of things. But they tend to be very, very expensive, and onerous process has to go through. So if you just tried to buy a single family home or a small multi or something like that, it just doesn't make sense financially. So the good news is we are allowed to raise capital from people that we have a close personal business relationship with. So that's why we want to focus on that sphere of influence. Does that make sense? Thomas? Absolutely. And it makes sense to me. Yeah. So that's the first thing we help our clients do is create that list of 150 to 200. People get it all set up in a CRM system, client relationship management system online, get it set up with an email autoresponder. So we want to be able to automate our communications systematize the process as much as possible, and just make it a lot more efficient. So that's the first step. Let's get that list put together. Let's get everybody's names and email addresses. And then let's break the ice before we start talking business, right. Another big mistake a lot of people make and myself included back in the day, is we charge out like a bull in a china shop saying, Hey, it's Dave, I got the deals, how you got the cash.

David Dubeau 14:05
Maybe not quite that bad. But that's the idea, right? And that turns a lot of people off. So you want to start off on the right foot, you want to break the ice, you want to reconnect with people on a personal level before you start talking business. And so what we do for that Thomas is we do a very simple little three step email campaign. First couple of messages are just kind of warm, fuzzy. Hey, it's Dave, chances are it's been a while since we connected. Just want to reach out say hi, reconnect with you. Let you know what I've been up to, you know, catch people up on what you've been doing, and the family's been doing for the last three, four or five years. And also I want to see how you're doing as well. So please hit reply to this email. Let's catch up, and you send that out all 200 people, and then your job is to have a genuine reconnection with those people and they respond. Does that make sense? Makes sense to me? Yeah. So it sets the stage and then the third message in that little sequence. Give people a heads up that you're gonna be switching gears, you're going to be starting to talk about what you're up to with real estate, you're doing really well with it, you're very passionate about it, it's you think it's the best way for everyday folks to make a good return on their money. And who knows, maybe sometime in the future, you might even partner with me and share in the profits on a deal. That's what we do to kind of set the stage. And now we're ready to now go out and proactively start marketing. Now, here's the big picture. This is important to understand your Thomas, a couple of things. Number one is my goal for our clients is to have their prospective investors reaching out to them about their deals. So instead of us cold calling, dialing for dollars, doing all that kind of icky salesy type stuff, we're sending out some intelligent marketing, edutainment marketing, that's getting people to put up their hand and reach out to us already, you know, ideally pre educated, pre motivated, to a certain extent pre qualifying and maybe even predisposed to investing with us. So we can just sit down on Zoom or face to face, show them what we've got, and have a great conversation. Does that make sense? That's the goal of this whole process and

Thomas Castelli 16:11
makes total sense. You know, it totally flips the dynamic around of like, hey, now you're chasing them to kind of they're, they're reaching out to you. So it definitely changes.

David Dubeau 16:20
We won't say they're chasing us, but at least they're reaching out to us so much more. That conversation is so much more pleasant, right? So step number one is let's create that target group. And Let's reconnect with them on a personal level. First, step number two, is let's make sure we're ready to go with an effective investor presentation, when those people do start putting up their hands, right? Because we don't want to be caught with our pants down. When somebody says, hey, Thomas, what's this real estate thing you're doing man? And you got a deer in the headlights, right? So what we always recommend is a really good well put together simple slide deck presentation, like a PowerPoint or Keynote or Google Slides, whatever that is, that you can walk people through. Now a couple of notes about this Thomas, really important to remember, you and I and many of your followers and your listeners are what I affectionately refer to us as real estate weirdos. Now, don't take offense, right. But you know what I'm talking about. If you've ever talked to somebody outside of real estate, about real estate investing, you're starting to talk about ROI and IRS and analyze and, you know, cap rates and all this kind of stuff. Their eyes are gonna glaze over, you probably kind of like the lay person when you start explaining, you know, accounting terms and stuff like that. You know what I'm talking about, right? Yes, yes. So we got to keep that in mind. Our prospective investor is probably not another real estate weirdo. They are a normal human being. So we got to dumb things down. I don't like to use that term, we got to simplify. I like to compare to Reader's Digest you remember Reader's Digest the old magazine, I don't, I don't but I understand what you're saying. There's such a young guy you would remember your parents would remember that video, Reader's Digest was a magazine still around, actually, that is written for grownups. However, it is written at a 13 year old comprehension level. That means any average 13 year old can open up that magazine, read everything and understand everything. That's what we want to do with our presentation and all of our marketing as well. We want to keep it super simple. We want to remember that probably the other person that we're presenting to is not super analytical. We all want to simplify the language. We don't want to use a bunch of jargon. We want to keep it super simple. Does that makes sense? Thomas,

Thomas Castelli 18:36
if you've confused mind is not by So

David Dubeau 18:39
you're absolutely right. So we want to keep it simple there. So that's step number two, make sure you're ready to go with a really good investor presentation. And I love those slideshows because they're so versatile. You can meet with somebody at Starbucks, open up your laptop, walk through something, you can jump on, zoom with somebody share your screen, walk them through the presentation, very, very versatile. So that's step number two. So we've got our target group. Now we've got our presentation. Step number three is we're gonna kick things into gear with marketing. And I call this constant, consistent communication. Constant means it's coming out on a regular basis. So if you're going to be doing a monthly electronic newsletter, for example, the third Thursday of every month, come heck or high water, the third Thursday of every month, that sucker is coming out, right? That's that constancy. Consistency is we're always talking about the same thing. Right? So for example, Thomas, I know you're into multifamily investing. So if you were doing something like this, you'd be talking about multifamily investing consistently, right, you'd be talking about the target market that you're focusing on consistently. It wouldn't be one time you're talking about multifamily. Another time we talking about self storage. Another time we talked about flips. Now the time you're talking about mobile homes. No, you're consistently talking about the same strategy right? Because otherwise Jack of all trades, master of none. Right? So we want to make sure that we've got that consistent message always coming out. Does that make sense? It does, it does. Now a couple of notes about the marketing guys really, really important. Ed, you taining marketing. So again, remembering that whole Reader's Digest idea, we got to keep in mind that the person who's receiving our marketing isn't really into real estate mess, right? They don't want to know, every single thing you and I know about doing a real estate deal. They want to know that we know our stuff, and they want to get the gist of it. So to the greatest degree we can we want to try and make our marketing edutainment a little bit educational, and hopefully a little bit entertaining. And then here's another key point, make sure that you've always got a clear call to action at the end of all of your marketing. Here's the thing, the goal of this marketing, Thomas is not to sell people on your deal. The goal of your marketing is to sell people on booking a meeting with you to find out more about your deals. Does that make sense? You understand the difference there? Yeah, they're

Thomas Castelli 21:08
just taking the next step of small commitment in the series of hopefully, what will be many commitments.

David Dubeau 21:14
Exactly. Very, very well said. So that's, that's the whole goal there. And as far as frequency of marketing, and all our people are freaked out about that. And they think, Well, I don't want to overwhelm people with too much marketing. And fair enough. I'm going to recommend you want to be you want to be touching your base at least once a week with this edu taining. Communication, everything, all of the marketing short and sweet. It's, you know, hopefully somewhat entertaining, with that clear call to action. If you get that set up. And you get this all set up with an email autoresponder and you set it up so you can set it and forget it, this is what's going to start getting you people reaching out booking the meetings with you popping up on your calendar, you know, booking through your Calendly, all these kinds of things. So this is something that our clients love so much, because, you know, we can set this and they can forget all about we just keep everything running for them. Does that make sense?

Thomas Castelli 22:04
Yeah, no, no, this entire system makes sense to me. I mean, I think, by the way, I think one one communication a week is definitely not going to overburden people, for sure. So

David Dubeau 22:13
exactly. So step number four, the five step process we're whipping through these suckers is being seen as a credible real estate authority in the eyes of your target group of investors. So here's the good news. You guys. You don't need to be the next Robert Kiyosaki with a billion seller, purple book, you know, to make this happen. You and I as mom and pop investors, it's really not that difficult. Here's a statistic I heard a while ago, Thomas, take it for what it's worth, because you've heard about statistics, right? Yeah, but 95% of the general population has never purchased a revenue property before their own home does not count as a revenue property. I'm talking about buying an investment property. So have you even got one successful deal under your belt, you're ahead of 95% of the non real estate people that you know, it's crazy. It is crazy. So that's great news. That means you don't have to have because I know you've got people on your podcast that have done a gazillion deals, and they've got massive portfolios and people saying, well, poor little me, I've got, I've got three houses in my portfolio, how can I possibly compete? Well, you don't need to compete. Right? This is a good news, all you need to be is you need to be seen as a real estate expert to your prospective investors, lots of ways to do this. A lot of what we talked about already will go a long way to doing that. So having a good looking investor focused website that goes a long way, sharp looking materials, that constant consistent communication, the marketing, all of that, it's going to go a long way. A couple of the other tips here, when you're meeting with people about investing, dress up a little bit, don't have to go overboard, but at least business casual, right, because if you want somebody invest 50, or 100 grand with you, or 200 grand or whatever it is, that's going to give them a little respect. And it's going to get you respect back from them as well. Even if you're meeting on Zoom, right? So dress depart, speak knowledgeably, and simply about your investment strategy and the primary market that you're focusing on, have good looking materials that you can leave behind, invest a few bucks in really sharp business cards, don't get the, you know, the old dot matrix things that you print at home, do these kinds of things. And that's going to go a long way to other people seeing you as an authority. If you can possibly get interviewed by smart guys like Thomas on a podcast, that's a fantastic way to be seen as an authority as well. So these are simple things that you can do and volunteer at your local Ria. Right You don't even have to be the main speaker, if you're just introducing speakers if your help could be allowed. If you get up on stage every once in a while. All of these things go a long way.


Thomas Castelli 24:52
Yeah, getting that picture with you with the microphone in your hands will definitely go a long way in terms of increasing your credibility. I know that I see that all the time. And every time I see a picture like that, I'm like, wow, they must be doing something. So

David Dubeau 25:05
yeah, if you want to get fancy pants, write a book. I mean, that's what that's one of the best way. Why do you think I got 80 of these suckers behind me? It's not because I love writing books is because books are business cards on steroids for sure having a podcast like your own podcasts, I'm sure you've seen this, Thomas, because you've been doing this for a while, people automatically started seeing you as an authority, because you're talking to other real estate and authorities. It kind of transfers,

Thomas Castelli 25:30
you know, absolutely. And you know, one thing people always say ask, ask about starting a podcast is like what he says and grow to some massive number. And sometimes it's not even about that sometimes it's just catering to to your network and your audience. And that in and of itself, is enough to kind of, you know, boost your credibility, for sure.

David Dubeau 25:47
Yeah, definitely. And then last but not least, step number five. And the five step process, is, once you've got one or two investors on board, you can start the snowball effect. And that is because your investors know other people with money, right? So if you're doing a good job for them, and they're happy with how things are going, it's very easy for you to get really warm introductions to their sphere of influence. It's also easy for you to get testimonials, especially video testimonials from these investors, which are absolute gold, for putting on your website for featuring that kind of thing. So that's step number five, once you got one or two investors on board, it's easier to get more of them with testimonials and referrals. So that's it in a nutshell, my friend. That's the five step money partner formula.

Thomas Castelli 26:35
That's awesome. I think that's a great way to raise capital. And I'm glad you came on and explained that because you know what, I think a lot of people get caught up too much in like that raising capitals only for, you know, these major deals. And that's simply not the case. I mean, if you could you could raise money on pretty much any deal in some way, shape, or form. I know, a lot of people who do do that. So glad you came on, you know, kind of explained that for our listeners wanted to kind of learn more about your process, how you go about doing that? How would they be able to do so? Well,

David Dubeau 27:03
we got a website called Money partner Money partner, people go there, we've got some free resources, you can get a complimentary copy of my ebook, The Money partner formula, in exchange for your name and your email address, it'll get you into our, into our ecosystem. If you want to spend a full day taking a deep dive into this whole process. We do regular virtual workshops and about a monthly basis, you can check that out at the website as well. If you want to book a call one on one with yours truly and and talk about your particular situation, how we might be able to help you can do that as well.

Thomas Castelli 27:39
Absolutely, thanks for letting us know what I'm gonna do is gonna drop that into the show notes. For anybody who is listening, I'm going to go pick up that book as well. Because you know what, I am a real estate weirdo and I got to re see something real estate, I got to read it. So I'll be adding that to my reading list. So thanks again for coming on the show. Is there anything that you would want to leave any parting words with our audience before we wrap up?

David Dubeau 27:59
Yeah, yeah, I do, Thomas. And that is, you know what? Raising capital and growing your portfolio is the fastest way to get to where you want to be financially, guys. I mean, you're actually doing people a disservice by not bringing them on board or letting them know what you're up to with real estate investing. So many of us think that, no, if we try raising capital, it's going to be like we're we're salesy or we're manipulative, or we're doing something like that. No, that's not what we're talking about here at all. We're talking about educating people about what we're up to, with real estate investing, and allowing them to make an educated decision as to whether or not they like to participate with, right, because I don't know about you, Thomas. But I firmly believe that a good real estate deal is the absolute best way for you and I and your followers and, and regular folks to get an above average return on our money backed by a solid, tangible, controllable asset. I don't know anything else that compares to it. So I think it's our duty to tell more people and get the word out more.

Thomas Castelli 29:02
I couldn't agree more. And I'll just put in my two cents here. Because it's been on my mind, it's really hit me over the last like year. So how true this is that real estate really is one of the best paths to wealth. I mean, if you just look at what's going on with inflation, and you look at the rise in housing prices over the last, you know, 18 months or so, it just goes to show that if you had money sitting in cash, or sitting even in the stock market, in some cases, you would have done a lot better in real estate, especially over the long haul. So I mean, it's just becoming abundantly clear and clear as the years go on. To me that real estate truly is it's everything everybody says it is if you buy it, right you do everything you're supposed to be doing. It really is one of the best investments that you could be making and it's a Dave's point, if you're doing a great job in real estate, you should be bringing along people I mean, you're you really are doing them a disservice by not helping them invest in real estate and realize all the benefits that come along with it. Well, so thank you. Thanks again for coming on and looking for I want to put this out there.

David Dubeau 30:01
Thomas, thank you so much and keep rockin in my friend. I appreciate all that you do.

Brandon Hall 30:04
Thanks for listening to today's show. If you enjoyed the show, please find us on iTunes and leave us a review. You can also email us at contact at the real estate CPA comm with any feedback or topic suggestions, we are always taking on new clients and with the new tax laws in play. You really don't want to navigate this alone. Let us help you save money on taxes with your accounting and CFO needs. To become a client. Navigate to our client page at the real estate CPA calm and fill out a webform with as much detail about your situation as possible. Thanks so much for listening. Have a great rest of your week.

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The Real Estate CPA podcast is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Information on the podcast may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. No reader, user, or listener of this podcast should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this podcast without first seeking legal and tax advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney and tax advisor can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation. Use of, and access to, this podcast or any of the links or resources contained or mentioned within the podcast show and show notes do not create a relationship between the reader, user, or listener and podcast hosts, contributors, or guests.

Always consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

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Hall CPA PLLC, real estate CPAs and advisors, helped me save $37,818 on taxes by recommending and assisting with a cost segregation study. With strategic multifamily rehab and the $2,500 de minimus safe harbor plus cost segregation, taxes on my real estate have been non-existent for a few years (and that includes offsetting large capital gains from the sale of property).

Mike Dymski - Business Owner